The Clean Living Compilation

The Clean Living Course is the ultimate LIFE HACK. Using proven methods of habit formation to take back control & make time for what you & who you love! We guide your AUDIT so nothing slips through the cracks then, goal set and reset to make the changes you've made are long lasting!


Doesn't leave much time of space for anything that's not essential

Podcaster & Life Coach Rachel mehaffey
Podcaster & Life Coach Rachel mehaffey

And look I am not loving the statistic so I've set out to change the landscape using the method of 'clean living'

We work so hard to get ahead and create a better world for the ones we love & seem to overlook the things building up no longer serving us. They take our time, consume our space & consume our thoughts.

Audit how you're spending your time. Look at your whole 'wheel' of life so you can stop feeding some, forgetting others & wasting time where you could be doing what you love.

You've got so many self help books on your shelves, endlessly going through phases of goal setting & making time for what you want.

Because life isn't static & the best laid plans change. While you are focusing on one area to free up time for another the wheel turns and you're left with a flat tyre, starting again.

Your life has to be seen as a beautiful growing thing & your approach needs to be ruthless in the audit of your 'whole world' when clearing out what is no longer serving you so you're not just moving things around so you are .....

... creating actual space for change.

" Yes, you've made time for the gym''

Until the clutter of work piles back in

We juggle work, kids activities, dinner prep, the gym, date night ... there is so much STUFF going on but we feel like nothing of worth is getting done.

Audit life
Audit life

Our intention to create space & change only lasts till old habits kick back in

You feel so overwhelmed by the demands on your time. Seem to be chasing your tail only to find the one area you focused on is pulled back into the chaos as your wheel keeps turning.

I get it, i've been there. You make time, you do the work but life doesn't give you a breather and there is just to much to pull together. It's not just you, its everyone you love who needs to come into play! So you pick up where you left off while nothing has changed.

It wasn't until I finally stopped, pressed pause & looked at everything working together I could clear out the clutter & make long lasting space.

Rachel mehaffey Life coach and podcaster
Rachel mehaffey Life coach and podcaster

The reason you can't clear out is you are only focusing on a few area's of life at a time, leaving the rest unchecked. Also, when you create the new space you are not changing the habit to support its longevity as well

[may as well be pushing water up a hill without the habits in place to keep it permanent]

Rachel mehaffey Life Coach and Podcaster
Rachel mehaffey Life Coach and Podcaster

Ok, so what if you finally see your life as a whole, identify where you need to focus & create permanent change with habit formation?

By uncovering where your wheel is depleted & using actual tools to declutter & create change you could:

Create a visual layout of your life (like a bike wheel) so you can clearly see where you're going flat then - Balance Out.

See exactly where you can declutter to make space for the people & practices you love! No longer 'fitting them in' when you can but making them your priority.

Harness the habit stacking formula meaning, the changes you make are never going to be lost. You create anchors in the everyday & take away the chance of falling into old patterns.

Understand how to prioritise and reset when things start to get a little wobbly again (cause life is like that) so you are armed for a lifetime of success

man in red hoodie jumping in front of white roll up door
man in red hoodie jumping in front of white roll up door
man jumped on ground
man jumped on ground
woman jumping in front of white concrete establishment
woman jumping in front of white concrete establishment
woman spreading her arms
woman spreading her arms


Can you imagine the feeling of knowing how to (once & for all)


So you can live your life the way you want free of clutter and completely balanced knowing if things start to get a little messy, you have everything you need to reset & take back the reins

It's POWERFUL being in control case you have the TOOLS in your kit

It's time you were finally in the driver's seat of how your time is spent.

The Clean Living Compilation


I've taken my complete coaching toolkit & compacted it into my simple life audit framework that's helped countless people take back control (and gain a whole lot more time)

I'm giving you the exact framework from an insider coaching toolkit so you actually learn how to audit, reset & rebuild your life so it runs like a new well balanced & complete wheel of life (& you hold the knowledge to keep the tyre pumped - always!)

The Clean Living CompilationThe Clean Living Compilation

What do I get for my investment?

Here's what's inside

Step 1: Introduction To Audit

Doing a life audit is a daunting task. It can feel overwhelming and on the near side of impossible. To successfully audit we need to dig deep and look at all areas of being. This can be confronting at times when you see there is imbalance in areas you had not considered important or, had time to focus on.

We kick off our audit with some foundational work around mindset and the formative response to change. This module is all about creating space and understanding the mindset required (and how to create it) in order to successfully aduit. We cover one of my favourite 5 Minute Meditations and all aspects of how to exercise gratitude for progress.

Step 2: Auditing in Action

This section is all about understanding and action. We look to functionally catagorise and unravel all pieces of your life's 'pie'. Here we use tried and tested satisfaction signatures to not only look at the physical aspect of declutter but the emotional and energetic impacts and where you are experienced the imbalances the most.

I'll step you through tried and tested coaching mechanisms to create and complete your 'wheel of life' aligning your intentions to your actions. We will ensure the structure you are deciding for your life is serving you so you can say 'it feels good' and 'I can see this for myself'. You will have clear intention & a no frills picture of the life you want to live.

Step 4: Maintenance

Long lasting effective change is all about understanding mindset, setting clear intentions then creating habits to support them and make them autonomic actions. In this final module we look at how you intentionally create space (not just shuffle things around) so you can be sure there is balance. This section is all about the doing and anchoring.

I set you up with the guidance to be well into your audit then make sure you have all the tools to be regularly across you progress with how you can review to continually refine your habits and to make sure you are not slipping back into old pathways. Here we set up your habit stacks so you know for sure, you're in control for good.

Audit your life
Audit your life

Step 3: Habit Formation

Now we step to the 'ah hah' part where you will learn why every other attempt to life audit or create more time has failed and how to change that, for life! All those self help books and good intentions will be clarified as we work the the crucial part you've been missing - till now.

I work through with you the fundamentals of behavioural based changed. The 4 laws of habit formation and the clear connection between creating behavioural change alongside functional change. Here I teach you all the insider tips on reframing your focus to the system not the goals and how to reset your habits to support the changes you have made to your life.

How to audit your life
How to audit your life
Habit Formation
Habit Formation
Maintain clean habits
Maintain clean habits

The Clean Living Compilation gives you all the tools and guides you step by step in the process of unravelling, decluttering & resetting your life. It cuts out everything no longer serving you then shows you how to rebuild & maintain with sustainable serving habits to keep your life lean and mean.

Here's what you'll find inside the course

Rachel Mehaffey Life Coach and Podcaster
Rachel Mehaffey Life Coach and Podcaster

How to reset your mindset so you are in the right frame of mind to approach change and with the takeaway tools to practice wherever and whenever you need them.

Be able to objectively approach your life balance and identify your functional, behavioral and emotional connections to your current imbalances and exactly what you need to sustain and create order.

A clear understanding of how to declutter by creating space and time to honour the things serving you and know how to cut those that are not.

Have an established importance matrix supporting your life wheel &coupled with your gratitude plan so change is no longer a theory but a practice you don't have to think about.

Have the insider scoop on habit hacking and stacking. The tricks of the trade when it comes to creating change with ease.

Walk away tools you can use and reuse to keep you on track including the wheel, importance matrix, gratitude planner, daily and weekly planners (sanity check sheets).

My mindset reset framework to get into & keep you in the space for creating intentional change

(Value:$ 250)

The tried & tested coaching approved toolkit to download & use as many times as you like

(Value: $75)

The exact formula to create lasting habits using proven stacking techniques


It's a numbers game, so what's the score?

If you're in today, you'll get The Clean Living Course (valued at $975!) delivered direct to your inbox!

That's nearly $1k of coaching for the same price as a massage!

1:1 life coaching is expensive (i'm talking $180 for an hour session on the cheap side) and you don't walk away with the actual coaching tools to learn and use. My ethos as a coach is teaching you to fish, not giving you only enough to eat for a day. Using a digital framework you immediately get access to methods & proven outcomes to do at your own pace, in your own home & as many times as you need.

Everyone deserves a coach. So I'm keeping the price LOW (like cheap as chips)

Your life doesn't have to be on a constant loop of self development & default back to old habits. There is a way better way to live where you can gain perspective on the pieces of your life pie, approach with strategy to audit & declutter then create proven habits with the unbeatable stacking formula to make long lasting (while keeping the tools to reset if needed)

Out with what's no longer serving, create space for what you love

Ok, so where do we stand. Are we ready to take it to the next level?

I’m a Rad-elaide born & raised (Sydney Sider) Girl Next Door. Sports Scientist, Naturopath, Pilates instructor & Life Coach turned Educator, Motivator & Friend. Leaving home at 17 years young to experience life in the UK I travelled and fell in love with the world. It was this early exposure to greater things that planted the seed to helping others grown.

My experience is a life lived. I get what it is to be ‘Jack of all trades’ and it wasn’t until I found coaching that mastering one was what I knew in my bones to be what I am here to do.

I created top performing life coaching courses you don’t pay through the nose for because I give you the teaching foundations not costly coaching sessions. I believe in education & empowerment over dependence & profit.

I didn’t always live like this - Once I was tied to the 9-5 hustle doing a job I didn’t love & feeling like my passions were burning out.

Truth be told, I was a little lost. I knew there was more for me but had no idea how to create the pathway ‘out’ to live the life I wanted. It was when I faced another 'stuck' team member I could not help in the confines of a corporate, I questioned if I was doing enough. Why? Because it MATTERED how I lived my life if I WANTED to help others too.

My intentions turned to actions, actions turned to education & my life literally changed.

Coaching others is always attached to a deeper purpose of wanting better for this world. When we are shown the ways to give ourselves permission to thrive we don’t just impact our space but everyone and thing around us gets better too.

I’m here to teach you there is a better way and how insanely easy it can be to start making the changes now & see the life you want come into focus.

It doesn’t have to feel impossible or be overwhelming when it comes to creating the life we want it - Intention imbedded by good habits and supported by passion can be permanent & last a lifetime.

Life Coach & Podcaster Rachel Mehaffey
Life Coach & Podcaster Rachel Mehaffey
Life Coach & Podcaster Rachel Mehaffey
Life Coach & Podcaster Rachel Mehaffey

Rachel Mehaffey

You can Call me

Rach xx