This is Me, I'M RACH

Rachel Mehaffey Life Coach and Podcaster
Rachel Mehaffey Life Coach and Podcaster
Rachel Mehaffey life Coach and Podcaster
Rachel Mehaffey life Coach and Podcaster

Really Love: Science, crazy hair colours, camping & living authentically on my terms. I don't do sugar coating & I can't accept you not backing yourself!

I didn't always feel this way. I was sucked into the single narrative there is only one way to live your life. Societal expectations confused my career direction, plagued me with self doubt & had me that without a partner I wasn't whole.

5 years ago I was suited and booted running (yet another) recruitment business feeling drained & unfulfilled governed by a paycheck & devoid of passion. Struggling with body dysmorphia, plagued with self doubt, convinced I was defective without a partner & really not able to back myself to make the change I KNEW I wanted for my life.

At 17 after high school I left Adelaide with no clue what was in front of me & even less of the life skills to take on the move, but did it anyway landing in the UK.

At 22 I qualified as a Sports Scientist putting myself through Uni as a bartender & failed model.

I spent 20 years working in recruitment always studying on the side. A life coach, a naturopath, nutritionist, pilates instructor.

By 30 I was a single Mum to my beautiful girl Poppy (PJ to me) and at 42 packed in the corporate world to finally follow my path of helping people mentally, physically & emotionally as a Coach reframe the single narrative.

Now 44 I've taken my own mindset & reset how I feel about who I am, what I can achieve & reset the 6 pillars of life. My life is full with my 13 year old Super Star, 2 Pointer Pups & 1 Black Cat living in my own home in the heart of Sydney with my water tank pool working from home existing mostly in trackies and always feeling purposeful

Rachel Mehaffey Life coach
Rachel Mehaffey Life coach
Life Coach Rachel mehaffey
Life Coach Rachel mehaffey
Coach Rachel Mehaffey
Coach Rachel Mehaffey

Rad-edlaide born Sydney Gal. Life coach, nutritionist, counsellor & animal activist. A single Mamma who believes perfection just isn't relatable.

Rachel Mehaffey Life Coach and Podcaster
Rachel Mehaffey Life Coach and Podcaster

There was always something pulling me to coaching. I should have known back when I was a kid helping frogs cross the road & mending a friends scraped knee that I was destined to help others.

Things that have been said of me I should have listened to & known meant Coaching & Teaching was the life I was meant to lead.

'You always bring those who need healing home' - My Mum growing up

'That's one of your gifts, you always believe in the magic in life' - My best friend (since kindy!)

'You never judge. I think that's because you just see people' - Gal Pal (inner sanctum)

Young Rachel Mehaffey Life Coach
Young Rachel Mehaffey Life Coach

I truly believe we all have gifts & they are the reason we are here. What comes to us innately is what we are here to master & teach others. It's the art in life of living in equilibrium otherwise known as living with purpose.

Young Rachel mehaffey life Coach
Young Rachel mehaffey life Coach
a woman kneeling down in a field of flowers

A few truths (cause socials don't show the real stuff)

Being self made & going against the single narratives of life ain't easy but if I can do it - so can you. I'm a single Mumma raising a superstar in one of the most expensive cities in the world. I've struggled with severe self doubt and insecurity my whole life. Imposter syndrome was my constant companion in corporate and while backing others comes easy, myself was a bigger challenge. I've battled with eating disorders, body dysmorphia, physical assault, postnatal depression, failed relationships and often told I am too open, too intense and love too hard.

Here's the thing ... I am more than OK with ME

It takes work for all of us. Every single person has struggles. What I KNOW to my core is, we all have the power to change. No one is forcing us to work at any particular job, partake in any given relationship or be anyone but who we were born to be. Sometimes though, it's a little hard to see the wood for the trees. So while I may love too hard and share too much - I see it as my super power. It is why I have helped so many people with my coaching courses & teachings being resilient, real & authentic as hell.

Why am I here?

I'm here to inspire & support. For me it was the many Japanese Principles of Life that helped shape the world I have now. To share & teach. We have all lived through vast experiences but not all of us have the platform to share so others can feel comforted & know they have a companion whose been there too on this wild ride.

Because I believe we all have a capacity for greatness (whatever that looks like) & sometimes we need someone whose skill set sits in empowering others to show us how to access it for ourselves.

Mel Robbins, Jay Shetty, Chris Williamson to name a few. But those as the names you would know. I am inspired by the many entrepreneurs who take what they love and make it something special. Inspired by the people whose hearts are broken but still find capacity in there to love. In awe of the other single parents out there and of all the musicians who sing from the heart sharing what they know so the rest of us don't feel so alone.

Who & What Inspires Me?

Write! I love to put pen to paper and send my feelings onto pages. Swim, there is something calming to my soul when I am in the water and the breath work is my zen of calm. Sing, (closet singer songwriter here) but it is my lady love Poppy who got the kick ass voice!

Hair! My crazy hair colours are my inner bright & I like to wear them on the outside xx

Create. Because I truly don't see what I do as work anymore. I see my ability to teach others as an expansion of my soul and I absolutely adore creating my courses for you!

What do I do in my Spare Time?

You can't always be positive - What gets you down?

Animal Cruelty breaks my heart in a way I cannot describe. One day it is my dream to set up an animal sanctuary to share shelter and love. My dogs are my inner peace and saved me in more ways than one. It shatters my soul to see cruelty.

Life Coach Rachel mehaffey
Life Coach Rachel mehaffey
Life Coach and podcaster Rachel mehaffey
Life Coach and podcaster Rachel mehaffey
Life Coach and Podcaster Rachel mehaffey
Life Coach and Podcaster Rachel mehaffey
Life Coach and Podcaster Rachel Mehaffey
Life Coach and Podcaster Rachel Mehaffey


These are a few of my ..

What does a single mum/mindset coach/ hair colour enthusiast come to love?! Here is where I let you in on all the best kept secrets! All my personal health & wellbeing tools, essential beauty buys & essential 8 kit for fit all the way down to the scents I use for aromatherapy & into my closet of comfy clothes I cannot live without. If you crave a life full of healing helpers, no mess or fuss approach to products I actually use then you're going to love what I love!

a woman in a brown bikini doing a handstand
a woman in a brown bikini doing a handstand
person reading book on brown and beige textile
person reading book on brown and beige textile




Course Library

Ikigai CourseIkigai Course
green leafed plant near table
green leafed plant near table
Audit your life
Audit your life

Your at home Coach helping build your life solo. No matter where you are in your journey of life I'm here to support your Level Up. With 20 years of business experience and a lifetime of health & wellness expertise my coaching lab is built with real life experience (I teach what I practice) & easy to apply learning to start building the life you want.

All my courses are simple to follow and designed to give you all the insider coaching tools you'd pay a pretty penny for with 1:1 supports

Hey, I'm a single Mumma from Adelaide living in the heart of Sydney. I take on the single narratives & teach you how to build the life you want solo.

'Give a (wo)man a fish & (s)he will eat for a day. Teach a (wo)man to fish & he will eat for a lifetime'

Mindset Reset Program
Mindset Reset Program




Find your true personal identity & how to live a purposeful life

Combat Self Sabotage, take on the single narative & rebuild the life you want

Declutter & build the 6 pillars of life solo with an audit & last habit formation

How to start your side gig today




Instead of the gamebox your mind is your mainframe IRL. Let's cut the static & get laser focused on making you the lead character in your life so I can show you specifically what your type of mindset needs to never be held back again!


The straight talk Coaching Podcast recorded in trackies from the comfort of my rumpus with the ever faithful audience of 2 GSP pups & a little black cat. Each episode takes on single the narratives, challenges the idea there is only one way to live a successful life. It's real & relatable.

The SoulStash Podcast is for everyone. Each episode is a true talking tell on the things we struggle most with in life. We challenge all the pillars of single narrative & offer a new way to view & build your life.

Coach & Friend -

Let's connect!

A writer at heart hankering to be your pen pal! Allergic to junk mail I send only what you benefit from. Real strategies, workshop style challenges, unwavering encouragement & things you didnt know (but soooo... want to) - Direct to your inbox. You in?



All of my books & podcasts stashed in one place with why you have to read & listen


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Let's Connect

Instagram let's me inspire daily while LinkedIn helps me teach!

I'm just a single Mumma from Adelaide who wants everyone to love this life.

Let's connect & inspire each other.