Say hi to the self that’s been hiding.

Mindset is your most powerful muscle but it is vulnerable to societal influences. The Single Narrative Pillars 1+2 directly impact your idea of self & reinforce your negative beliefs.

This course is designed to challenge & reset the Pillars of Personal Identity & Relationship status as defined by society, coupled with a 7 day complete reset to reframe your negative beliefs.

Mindset: The Single Narratives Reset

Feeling don't just live in the 'heart' they stem from the mind (hormones), run through your entire body & are reinforced by society.

The Brain has a real life 'feel wheel' & learning how & why you think the way you do has a direct impact on how you feel about yourself.

You don't have to just accept that anxiety is part of your life or your default way of thinking is set in stone anymore. You get to control the narrative and create a growth mindset by recognising & diminishing the limiting framework of The Single Narratives.


Life is too short to live without a supportive frame of mind cause here's a little secret ....


You share the space with an imposter! Yep, there is a self doubting, sabotaging critic in all of us preventing our growth.

Meet mine - her name is Susan. She loves nothing more than teaming up with Karen on the bad days & tell me how society thinks I am failing being single and open to personal change.

What she hates are the tools I created to keep her at bay (cause that baby belongs in the corner) and reframe her thinking to serve my growth not her fear.

That's why I created the Mindset Reset to help you restart the algorithm in your brain & learn the real ways to reframe your thinking so you can focus on growth, not the past & confidently set your own path outside the single narratives.

So why does taking on mindset seem overwhelming for so many of us?

You've been actively dating to get out of the 'Single Status' but really you prefer the company of your friends & family.

You know you should be dating because being single is lacking (apparently), and you know you should start to settle down.

But the idea of settling down when you have so much love for your work & prefer to spend time with your personal pursuits just makes the process exhausting.

You are listing all the reasons society tell's you to find the one

....'Alone is lonely. Being single means there is something wrong with me.

If I don't find the one my life can never start? What about having kids society tells me I should have soon

Maybe there is something wrong with me - I should be excited to date

So you put down the phone, pick up your book and start reading only to be reminded of something you actually love

Great - But you wasted time swiping because you felt pressured to do it when you really have no interest in dating you only FEEL YOU SHOULD.

30 minutes later, you've logged onto the apps, are chatting to 10 more mind numbing connections, & it's reaffirming how happy you are to go it alone

See your mind is your safe space... Your very own world.

Remember the carefree days of being a kid? You know, when you didn't have a worry in the world - and the biggest concern was if you would wear odd or matching socks. Your outfit was who you were that day ... and you got to decide what that looked like without any other input!

Whatever your days of unfiltered mind looked like, there is a way you can learn from them, reset now, and move forward redefined the way you want to be. A growth mindset is possible thanks to the millions of synapsis in the brain ready to be reprogrammed.

What would happen if you started putting yourself first. Stopped letting society tell you there is only one way to live & wrote you own script?

A genuine belief in yourself -- knowing you can do it -- that the self doubt is only fear talking. Really backing yourself not just 'fake it till you make it' but knowing when you put the work in you will reap what you sow.

A genuine investment in life to the things you love. No compromising your time on things you feel you should do and focusing only on what is serving and of interest to you!

Feeling connected to yourself. Not fearing your feelings but sitting in them & knowing how to not just ride the wave but surf the barrel beautifully.

Continually honing your inner voice so there is never a place for self doubt or societal beliefs to take over or even pay a visit. The confidence so deep you are not afraid of trying, failing & learning so you thrive

Here is the incredible thing:

Our mindset is that powerful we can reprogram it

& start feeling the benefits TODAY


I went from a lifetime doubting my virtue thinking without a partner I was somehow faulty and everything I had achieved on my own was somehow less valuable than if I have created it with someone else.

After the shift there are no more dead end dating apps, a real knowledge of who I am as a person, what I value & a very clear picture of what I want my life to look like, even if it sits outside the scope of the Single Narratives

What was my weakness, believing the framework I had to confirm to is now my career focus and passion to help others. I show up authentically and share everything I have worked through and how I have overcome what so many others are struggling with too. Why? Because showing up as me and shining a light on the Single Narratives limiting all 6 areas of our life so they can overcome them and thrive just like I did.

Wanna find out how to reframe your view?

This Mindset: Single Narrative Shift is a proven blueprint to change the way you frame your thinking when stuck in limiting beliefs. I have helped over 1000+ people (so far) to take control back of how they are framing their self beliefs and get rid of the Single Narratives imposed by society no longer serving,

How is this different from all the others..

There are no other courses out there addressing the impacts of THE SINGLE NARRATIVE. It is my unique coaching framework, taking on the 6 Pillars of Conformity.

This guide is for anyone who can identify with feeling:

Feeling stuck

Constant self doubt & sabotage

Feeling pressured to find a partner

Lacking self worth being single

Feeling disconnected from people around them as they grow and change, creating distance in connections

Mindset Reset in 7 Days

SECTION A: An intimate introduction to mindset & The Single Narrative

A detailed journey into mindset and how the brain works. We look at brain development, learned beliefs, and how we acquire the 95% subconscious mind.

We deep dive into The Single Narrative, the idea that there is only 1 way to live life in the 6 Pillars: Personal Identity, Relationships, Career, Building Life, Religious & Cultural Beliefs, and Settling Down.

white teacup filled with coffee
white teacup filled with coffee

Section C: Decoding Societal Expectations

In this module we take on the Single Narratives of societal expectation. We take a look at where they have developed from, why they are prevalent still today, and how they are showing up and damaging your life.

We really unpack the pressures placed on our personal identity and the message change is bad as well as the shift in mindset needed to throw away the outdated narrative that single is someone how defective.

Section D: Defining Your World View

A formative shift and time for change. Here we pivot and move into a space of neutrality and power against the single narrative. We reframe the negative reinforcement cycles of your thinking and recreate what you want to see in your life.

Now your journal is your best friend as we cover five-second decisions, visualising success, controlling self doubt, daily wins and challenging the critical soundtrack.

Section B: The Assessments - Decoding You

We deep dive into the 6 Factions of Self. The 6 Pillars of the Single Narrative Society tells us are how we should be living.

Then we uncover and decode your sabotage style, noting common behaviours & starting to label your triggers and find out where you developed your self protective mechanism.

Finally we uncover the factions of self in the 2 Pillar Profile. Here we focus on your identify of self & how you really see yourself. Then we decode the ideals you have around relationships and romantic partnerships.

Section E: The 7 Day Mindset Reset

Here we begin the formative shift from understanding limitations you place on yourself with the help of single narratives and work through a structured and proven 7 Day Workshop to reframe and reset your views to align with your own personal beliefs.

  1. Recognising Conformity to the Single Narrative

  2. Understanding Your Root Causes

  3. Challenging the Pillars

  4. Mindset Shift

  5. Building Your New Foundations

  6. Steps for Setting for the Future

  7. Your Action Plan

man reading book on balcony during daytim
man reading book on balcony during daytim
selective focus photography of jolly woman using peace hand gesture
selective focus photography of jolly woman using peace hand gesture
woman in brown jacket standing and smiling
woman in brown jacket standing and smiling
woman in white spaghetti strap top standing on the seashore
woman in white spaghetti strap top standing on the seashore

Are you ready? I got you.

You are ready if any of these ring true for you:

You have created a life you are proud of, but somehow the job you love, the hobbies you have, and the success you have made is overshadowed by being single or the pressure in your social circles to stay the same and never change.

You are a mum, partner, friend (so many things)... You show up and care for everyone you love but you just don't know why they want you to! You can't seem to see what anyone would like about you, there are so many things your don't like about you!

There is something bigger for you in this life, you can feel it in your bones! You spark with a passion and it calls to you but there is no room in the Single Narrative for you to do it. What you want doesn't conform to what society is telling you is successful and the only way to live.

There are so many bags you carry. There is so much life experience you would rather leave behind but there is no way you could possibly check it. 95% of what you believe about yourself is the subconscious feeding your feelings, leaving no space for the 5% that is here and now. You deserve to live in the present and reframe the past.

So what does it cost?

Resetting your mindset is priceless but a coach would charge you

1:1 Coaching Sessions = $1260

Mindset Assessment =$250

Whatsapp Coach Support (Extra) = unheard of


THAT'S $1510 +

But i said it in the beginning, my goal is to make coaching accessible to everyone and I was this course for anyone who is wanting a clearer mind so they can back themselves and get stuck into living not analysing life.

So it's because i'm passionate about helping you quash the negative mindset, name and shame your saboteur you can grab the Mindset Reset Course complete for a fraction of that coaching price

It's time to say goodbye to 'susan'

Ok, so where do we stand. Are we ready to take on your saboteur?

Your life doesn't have to be shared with self doubt (susan!). You don't have to question your worth in every achievement or sit sabotaging your achievements. There is a better way to live where you understand your subconscious, know how to control your mind & give yourself permission to throw out the Single Narratives to live your own life in peace. By mastering the tools of resetting your mindset, you can rest assure you are always in control

Adelaide girl born & raised. I've travelled the world, run companies, am a single Mum turned life coach. A sports scientist, naturopath (part qual), pilates instructor, motivator, SINGLE EVOLVING WOMAN & friend.

My experience is a life lived. I've failed at relationships, struggled as a single mum, thrived in coaching others & gathered a lot of scraped knees & road bumps in life.

I get what it is to try & fail. How it feels to doubt yourself. I know what it is to introvert and sit in judgement & I also know what it like to motivate a room full of people by being authentic and not afraid to share my story.

I created top performing life coaching courses with the intention they are accessible to everyone! No 1:1 needed and location unimportant because - they are my coaching sessions set into easy to following workbook style courses you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Truth be told I became a coach because I know what it is to feel a little lost. To be externally successful, have all the tick boxes in life aligning to what society tells you to want but absolutely doubting myself and questioning if this really is your life. Then I worked on me. I coached myself & saw I could be sharing what I learned and it MATTERED how I lived my life if I WANTED to help others too. I created

I created THE SINGLE NARRATIVE to decode why we get stuck so often in life & offer a different way of living with proven results.

It doesn’t have to feel impossible or be overwhelming when it comes to taking on negative beliefs. Your mind is a powerful tool one that is just waiting to be your strongest ally, it is simply about reframing the limiting beliefs no longer serving you & rebuilding a framework where you back yourself EVERYDAY.

Hey, I'm Rach